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Writing techniques: discover how to write well!

In an increasingly competitive professional scenario, the ability to express yourself through writing becomes an essential differentiator both in the job market and in competitions. The journey to success is shaped by the ability to communicate ideas clearly and impactfully.

Throughout this content, we will not only explore the fundamental importance of this skill, but we will also provide practical tools for you to improve your technical writing skills. Continue reading to learn how to write well!

The importance of good writing in the job market

The ability to write effectively goes beyond simply putting words on paper. In the job market and even in competitions, it becomes a valuable tool for creating opportunities and attracting attention.

In a professional context, good writing is key to conveying messages clearly and persuasively . Whether writing reports, emails, or proposals, the ability to communicate in writing can open doors and create a positive impact on business relationships and career opportunities.

In competitions, a well-prepared essay is not just a requirement, but an opportunity to stand out among candidates. It not only demonstrates communicative skills , but also reflects organization of thought and clarity of expression, factors that often make the difference in the search for approval.

And to help you write well, we have separated the essential writing techniques for your academic and professional journey. Check out what they are now!

8 writing techniques to help you write well

1. Planning before writing

In the corporate environment, the lack of a clear purpose in documents can result in confusing messages. For example, composing an email without a defined objective can lead to scattered information.

In contests , the lack of an outline can result in a disorganized structure. Creating a preliminary outline, outlining the introduction, development and conclusion, is the key to ensuring a cleaner message.

2. Clarity and conciseness

Avoiding jargon and technical terms is crucial in the corporate world. These elements can obscure the clarity of the message, making it inaccessible to those outside the area.

In competitions, avoiding irrelevant information is essential. Maintaining objectivity and emphasizing pertinent arguments is the strategy to gain the evaluator’s attention.

See below an example of a phrase that could be used in a company’s analytical report and how to apply it correctly:

Phrase 1: “The implementation of technological innovation must be prioritized, aiming to optimize processes and provide significant improvements in operational efficiency.”

Correction sentence 1: “We must prioritize the implementation of technological innovation to optimize processes and improve operational efficiency.”

In this example, the original sentence is long and uses excessively formal terms, which can make it difficult to understand. The correction simplifies the expression, making it clearer and more direct, suitable for a corporate environment.

3. Develop a reading habit

Developing a reading habit is a fundamental practice to improve your writing skills. Regular reading not only provides a solid foundation of knowledge and data to support arguments, but it also stimulates the brain and the organization of reasoning.

By incorporating reading as an integral part of your routine, you not only stay well informed, but also strengthen the skills essential for clear, engaging, and persuasive writing in a variety of contexts.

4. Variety of vocabulary

Constant repetition of keywords in the corporate world can make the text monotonous. In competitions, the use of very complex terms can confuse the evaluator.

Enriching the language with synonyms and vocabulary variation is essential for professional environments and assessments. And by implementing the habit of reading, it helps you enrich your vocabulary according to the objective of your writing.

And a tip for this is to read books, materials, articles focused on your field of study or exams from competitions from previous years. Focus and organize these new words into a mind map .

6. Proper use of punctuation

In the corporate environment, the lack of adequate punctuation compromises clarity. In competitions, excessive use of punctuation can make the text confusing. Reviewing and using correct punctuation are essential practices to maintain coherence.

See an example of correct use of punctuation:

Sentence 2: “The author of the text expressed his ideas in a confusing way.”

Correction sentence 2:  “The author of the text expressed his ideas in a confusing way.”

Here, in this other example, the commas were added improperly in the original sentence and can confuse the reading. The correction removes these commas and maintains clarity in the expression.

7. Careful review

Sending documents without proofreading in the corporate world results in grammatical and spelling errors. In competitions, not reviewing your essay can cost you points.

Performing careful review before sending any documents or evidence is crucial to ensure that the recipient of the message understands what you are saying.

8. Suitability for the target audience

Using technical language with unfamiliar customers can be a mistake in the corporate world. In competitions, not knowing the objective of the text results in an inappropriate approach.

Adapting the language to the target audience, whether in the corporate world or in competitions, is vital to ensure even greater clarity in communication.

Applying these writing techniques not only improves the quality of writing, but also strengthens the ability to communicate in an impactful way, whether in professional or academic contexts.

By incorporating these aspects into your writing practice, you will be better prepared to face challenges, wherever they may be.



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